Course Details

  • Enquire Now
  • Delivery Mode
  • Classroom based. Face-to-face.
  • Date
  • 19th February 2024. New enrolments welcome throughout the year.
  • Days
  • Mondays
  • Time
  • 9.00am-2.30pm

  • Course Length
  • 11 months excluding school holidays
  • Venue
  • Laverton Community Education Centre
    12 Crown St

  • Cost
  • Funded Concession: $25.00
    Funded Non-Concession: $125.00

This course is suitable for people that have little education in their first language. This course develops functional English literacy and numeracy skills to enable learners to participate in the community and help prepare for employment.


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Course Details

  • Enquire Now
  • Delivery Mode
  • Classroom based. Face-to-face.
  • Date
  • 19th February 2024. New enrolments welcome throughout the year.
  • Days
  • Mondays
  • Time
  • 9.00am-2.30pm

  • Course Length
  • 11 months excluding school holidays
  • Venue
  • Laverton Community Education Centre
    12 Crown St

  • Cost
  • Funded Concession: $25.00
    Funded Non-Concession: $125.00

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